The world is advancing at lightning speed and so are its people. Ask everyone, all are busy at a given point of time. Yes, it’s tough though but life drives you to. Survival is for the fittest and not for the weakest.

The world is driven by its economy and economy is in turn mostly driven by commerce. Commerce is nothing but all ideals and bits and pieces of business. Buying and selling are the two pillars on which the world is running. Considering peoples time, the very concept of e-commerce has risen to the aisle. Electronic commerce is the current boom of this world and it has got all its advantages. Do not waste time on going to a boutique or a grocery store. Just log in to the website and order the stuff that you wanted. Get the stuffs delivered at your door step. Things have become so dam easy now. Get anything and everything that you require in Life through website.

All the market players share the credit of serving the people in a convenient manner. All are happy and merry. Off late, the recent trends suggest that the market players of e-commerce are withdrawing the websites. Oh God! If that’s the case then what’s the future of e-commerce? Well, think big and far. We all are used to easy things and so ecommerce can be too. The websites are shut down and modified into a form of simple e-commerce mobile app.

Smartphones are plenty and 95% population of a developed country possess it. Imagine a situation of no longer a need of a laptop or desktop or a tablet to log in to the e commerce site. Own a smartphone and you can get all that you want through the phone. It is really an amazing fact.

The trend of shutting down the websites is to facilitate the existing customers and pull in a lot more to Increase the business. Browsing native opencart app, native magento app or woocommerce app sounds more comfortable than a website. Itself gives a scare to a lot of people. They were the ones missing out from the amazing e-commerce opportunity. With a mobile app in place, it forms just the right platform to grow business.

Imagine the benefit that the business would derive from a developing country where smartphones are used widely than that of computers and laptops. Desire anything in life and get it delivered right at your door step. Shutting down mobile websites and placing an app is proving to be the best decision on a business marketing model.
There is a long way to go for it and the path looks definitely positive.