There is a pool of PHP frameworks available in the market to build web applications faster and with fewer efforts. But when it comes to a robust, stable, and powerful framework, the majority of developers across the globe thrive on Laravel. PHP is an important language utilized a lot lately to develop websites and web applications. Today, we will talk about the topmost Features of the Laravel 7 framework. There’s no doubt that travel is the first choice of developers which makes it one of a kind and most recognized framework.

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Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Support:

Cross-origin resource sharing is a one type of mechanism that is used to call prohibited resources on another area to a web-page that has been built on some other domain. CORS enables the web page to freely embed cross-origin images, stylesheets, scripts, videos, and so on. Laravel 7 framework supports first-party support for configuring CORS OPTIONS request responses through Laravel’s CORS package.

Custom Eloquent Casts:

Cast types are needy data types that are required to build a program in any given language. However, Laravel supports bunch of cast types by default- integer, array, object, float, double, etc. Moreover, at times, the programmer would need to describe their cast types. Laravel introduces the Casts Attributes interface that can be used to define custom casts. Such Cast Attribute is a Laravel 7 Features that require a user to define “get” and “set” methods for implementation. The get method is used to convert a raw value from a database into a casting value, while on the conflict part, the set method converts a saved cast value into a raw value that can be stored into a database.

Custom Eloquent Casts:

Cast types are needy data types that are required to build a program in any given language. However, Laravel supports bunch of cast types by default- integer, array, object, float, double, etc. Moreover, at times, the programmer would need to describe their cast types. Laravel introduces the Casts Attributes interface that can be used to define custom casts. Such Cast Attribute is a Laravel 7 Features that require a user to define “get” and “set” methods for implementation. The get method is used to convert a raw value from a database into a casting value, while on the conflict part, the set method converts a saved cast value into a raw value that can be stored into a database.

Query Time Casts:

Laravel 7 characteristics introduces a method- with Casts that one can use to find and solve a query with the help of non-model custom features, such as a date. So with the help of it , one can feel convenience during finding the queries.

Improvements in Database Queue:

The Laravel 7 framework makes use of MySQL 8+ for database backend queue. It brings a significant changes in performance. The database driver is now able to handling large volume production applications.

Improvements in Database Queue:

The Laravel 7 framework makes use of MySQL 8+ for database backend queue. It brings a significant changes in performance. The database driver is now able to handling large volume production applications.

All New Artisan Command:

The command-line interface that is introduced by Laravel is known as Artisan. It is operated by the powerful Symphony Console component, it is quite helpful for developers as it gives some helpful commands to do the same.Laravel 7 introduced the new test Artisan command that can be used to run the tests. The Artisan test runner provides an attractive UX console that provides more information regarding the test that is currently running. In case a test fails, the runner automatically stops.

Dynamic Storage Links:

Previously, in Laravel, by default, the command PHP Artisan storage: linked the data to a public directory. Laravel 7 offers a new Laravel feature by means of which, developers can be able to define their storage links.

Dynamic Storage Links:

Previously, in Laravel, by default, the command PHP Artisan storage: linked the data to a public directory. Laravel 7 offers a new Laravel feature by means of which, developers can be able to define their storage links.

Fluent String Operations:

Laravel’s default string class- Illuminate/Support/Str class, gives bunch of helpful string manipulation functions. Laravel 7 attributes provide, over these default functions, a more fluent string manipulation library that is object-oriented using the Str::of method. Several methods may be connected to the object to manipulate the string.

Customizable Stubs:

Laravel 7 gives the stub: publish command to publish the most common stub for customization. Number of customizations are useful when tiny changes are required to be completed to the Artisan generated files. The Artisan console’s make commands, such are used to create a number of classes, and these classes are generated by the ‘stub’ files and some changes in these stub files can be done using this command. The given stubs are placed in the stubs directory in the root of the application itself. Changes which were made in the stubs and their classes generated accordingly using the make command.

Customizable Stubs:

Laravel 7 gives the stub: publish command to publish the most common stub for customization. Number of customizations are useful when tiny changes are required to be completed to the Artisan generated files. The Artisan console’s make commands, such are used to create a number of classes, and these classes are generated by the ‘stub’ files and some changes in these stub files can be done using this command. The given stubs are placed in the stubs directory in the root of the application itself. Changes which were made in the stubs and their classes generated accordingly using the make command.

Laravel is one of the most popular and frequently used frameworks for the Laravel development of web applications. The Laravel features play an exclusive role in this aspect apart from other conveniences it offers- integration possibilities, security features, and tremendous support from the online community. All these make Laravel 7 a PHP framework worth giving a try.