Transportation: Dasinfomedia Provides Technical Expertise in GPS & Mobile Application to Major Industrial Cluster


Dasinfomedia Developed Web and Mobile App based solutions for Joint Venture (JV) of Major Industrial cluster & leading educational institute. Dasinfomedia developed a digital system “Uber for Industrial Freight” where Buyers and Suppliers can be brought on to the unique platform creating an Industrial freight marketplace.

The Customer

One of the JV partners is a leading education institute with #1 position in research and innovation category. A Major Industrial cluster partnered with the institute’s Transport department to identify how technology can be leveraged to reduce cost and time of transporting industrial products within state and between different states.

The Need

The customer envisioned the system to aggregate fragmented freight trips and streamline urban freight movements. All stakeholders like Customers, Truck drivers and freight forwarders need to be part of the central system. This required a unified platform that will provide a comprehensive solution for modernization via Web and mobile applications.

The Solution

Dasinfomedia suggested a digital system “Uber for Industrial Freight” where Buyers and Suppliers can be brought on to the unique platform creating an Industrial freight marketplace. The Buyer could post their needs through the mobile app and suppliers can bid to inquiries from the customer. Three apps were created each for a buyer, seller and consignment manager. The buyer-customer app would collect Industrial goods size, description along with pick-up location and payment from within the mobile app. Manager App will accept payment and approve customer listing. The Seller App-Freight Companies will get a notification for new inquiries and can bid for the job. Once the job is accepted the mobile app provides live tracking of the Goods-freight vehicle on Open Source–Google map.

Customer App

Freight Needs Posted

Manager app

Order and Payment Validation

Truck Owner

Order Accepted Truck Enroute

Shorter Lead Time

Cost Saving

Key Benefits:

  • Efficient and simpler Web and Mobile solutions.
  • User-Friendly Location-based Tracking system.
  • Easy to Manage and control User’s data from the web admin system.
  • Role-based access from web and mobile applications.
  • Data related to booking, trips and payments are stored in a secure format.

Business Value

The customer was able to extend the versatility of the product by getting us to build the foundation for secure, reliable and scalable integration of urban freight movements and booking. Very few service providers have the expertise in this rather niche area and our customer has immensely benefited both in terms of quality and cost.